Design of Web Based Employee Payroll Information System Using Laravel at BMS Mart Herbal Wholesale at Tasikmalaya City


  • Itban Al Mubarak Attasiky Politeknik LP3I
  • Lita Lestari Utami Uiversitas Ma'soem Bandung



Laravel, Waterfall, Payroll, MySQL, PHP


BMS MART is a company engaged in the sale of various herbs that have been listed in BPOM. The recording process and salary calculation applied by BMS MART are still manual and not modern, which uses handwriting methods and manual calculations. This takes a long time and is less efficient for employees and the owner. In solving this problem, the author designed a web-based employee payroll information system using laravel. In its design, the author uses PHP as its programming language with a MySQL database, using the Waterfall Method, and using the Laravel Framework. With the design that the author has made, it is hoped that the company BMS MART will gain convenience in the process of recording, calculating, and reporting employee payroll and become more efficient and faster


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How to Cite

Attasiky, I. A. M., & Utami, L. L. (2024). Design of Web Based Employee Payroll Information System Using Laravel at BMS Mart Herbal Wholesale at Tasikmalaya City. Jurnal Tika, 9(1), 35–43.




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