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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Arwana Journal Article Template
Download the Article Template Arwana: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Perairan and use the layout and typing requirements directly by using "Paste Special" in the document.


Article Writing Guidelines
Each author must include a Copyright Transfer Agreement and use the Author Template provided.

Manuscripts received by the editor contain the results of primary research on fisheries science that have never been published and the writing follows these "Instructions for Authors". Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English. To facilitate review by the editor and bestary partners, the manuscript is typed one and a half spaces using 11 pt centrury font. Manuscripts are sent to the Editorial Board of Arvana: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program.

Manuscript format
Consists of Title, Author Name, Institution, Full Address and E-mail, Abstract (in Indonesian and English), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if required), and Bibliography.

Describe the main content of the writing briefly and clearly, informative, try no more than 12 words.

Author's Name
Written without title, accompanied by the name of the work institution and complete address including telephone (cellphone), fax, and email if available.

Written in two languages (Indonesian and English) of no more than 250 words. The abstract is the essence of the entire paper which includes the problem, objectives, materials and methods, results and discussion, and research conclusions. In the abstract, as in the main text, every common name of an organism or trade name of a chemical must be followed by its scientific name, at least at the first mention. The abstract is completed with keywords, a minimum of three words, arranged from general to specific.

Keywords: Keywords include a maximum of six words, with the first word being the most important and relevant to the topic. The writing of keywords is separated by semicolons (;), font size 10pt.

This is the background of the research consisting of the problem or hypothesis that prompted the research, the findings to be refuted or developed, and the purpose of the research. The introduction must be written in size 12 pt, bold, left-aligned, capitalized. The literature review should be a recent article on the topic, published within the last five years. Literature writing in the text follows APA style format.

Materials and Methods
Clearly describe the place and time, research material, experimental design, method of implementation, and data analysis method. Writing Materials and Methods using size 12 pt, bold, left-aligned, capital letters. Materials and methods can be sub-chaptered to make it easier for readers to understand the manuscript. Writing sub-chapter titles with bold capital letters at the beginning of the sentence.

Results: the discussion must be written in size 12 pt, bold, left-aligned, capital letters. Research results are clearly stated, if necessary accompanied by tables, illustrations (graphs, diagrams, drawings), and photographs. Information that has been explained with tables and illustrations does not need to be repeated with lengthy descriptions in the text. The discussion contains an analysis of the research results, how the research can solve problems, differences or similarities with previous research, and possible developments.

Discussion: the discussion must be written in size 12 pt, bold, left-aligned, capital letters. The discussion is not a repetition of the results. The discussion reveals the reasons for obtaining the results and the meaning or significance of the results obtained. If possible, the results of this study can be compared with previous studies. Present the research results first before including the opinions of other relevant researchers. The writing of the Results and Discussion can be sorted into sub-subchapters, according to the aspects studied. In the writing, the Results chapter is separated from the Discussion chapter.

Contains important things from the research results and discussion, in accordance with the title and research objectives and is presented concisely in the form of a narrative, not a pointer. Research results written in the conclusion do not need to be discussed.

The author should give appreciation to those who have helped conduct the research or other parties who contributed to the research. Appreciation is given in the form of acknowledgments.

Using the name-year system, limited to things that are closely related to the research. Citations for tables and illustrations are listed as sources and included in the last line.

The writing of the bibliography uses size 12 pt, bold, left-aligned, capital letters. The bibliography is displayed at the end of the article and is sorted alphabetically from the last name of the main author. The font used is Times New Roman 10 pt, with 8 mm hanging format, as in the example below. The text or sentence in the main idea that refers to the reference is marked with the last name of the author. Citations and references are written in APA Style. We recommend that authors use a reference management system (RMS) such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote.
Bibliography is organized alphabetically by the first author's (family) name. Bibliography in the text or narrative uses the "name-year" system in two forms, e.g. Dobermann & Fairhust (2000) in the middle of a sentence or (Dobermann & Fairhust 2000) at the end of a sentence.
If more than one reference is mentioned together then the writing is organized by year of publication. Example: (Harahap & Panjaitan 2003; Suparyono 2005; Sumarno & Suyamto 2007; Muliari et al., 2012). If there are more than two authors, the name (family) of the first author is followed by et al. However, et al. is not used in the bibliography. All author and editor names are written in full in the bibliography. The use of "anonymous" references is not allowed. Any literature referenced in the text, tables or illustrations must be included in the Bibliography, and vice versa. At least 80% of the references should be from new primary scientific journals published within the last 10 years.

Examples of writing references in the bibliography according to the source of reference:
Soeparno. (20015). Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging. Cetakan Ke-4. Yogyakarta, UGM Press.
Bengen, D. G. (2013). Pedoman Teknis: Pengenalan dan Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove. Bogor, PKSPL-IPB.
Muliari, M., Zulfahmi, I., & Akmal, Y. (2019). Ekotoksikologi Akuatik. Bogor, IPB Press
Dilaga, I. W. S. (2017). Pengaruh Pemberian Berbagai Level Clenbuterol terhadap Kualitas Daging Babi Jantan Grower. Buletin Peternakan, 31(4), 200-208.
Akmal, Y., Nisa, C., & Novelina, S. (2019). Morfologi kelenjar aksesori kelamin jantan pada trenggiling (Manis javanica). Jurnal Veteriner, 20(36), 38-47.
Puga, C. C., Beguelini, M. R., Martins, F. F., Falleiros Jr, L. R., Morielle-Versute, E., Vilamaior, P. S., & Taboga, S. R. (2014). Seasonal changes in the prostatic complex of Artibeus planirostris (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 197, 33-42.

A short and clear title, followed by a description of the place and time of data collection. Columns/children of columns are clearly separated. The ditto sign (") is not used. The number of decimals is as simple as possible. Table footnotes are marked with small superior letters (slightly raised) to distinguish them from text footnotes with numbers.

Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, and drawings)
Given a short, clear title, followed by a description of the place and time of data collection (if possible), and placed under the illustration concerned. Not too many symbols are included. Illustrations are made with clarity, contrast, neatness, cleanliness, and can be corrected by the editor for publishing purposes. Illustration files can be included separately with the manuscript to facilitate corrections by the editor.

Contrast, high quality, and able to explain the substance without narration, not just a complement. Photographs should be titled briefly and clearly, followed by a description of the place and time of taking (if possible), and placed below the photograph. Photo files can be included separately with the manuscript to facilitate the publishing process.

OJS Publication and Editorial Process

Arwana: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Perairan uses Open Journal Systems which is open source journal management and publication software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

Article Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the process before submitting articles to OJS Arvana: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program, authors are expected to check the completeness of the sections below. If it does not meet the completeness, the submission will be returned to the author
  • The article meets the focus and coverage criteria of Arvana: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program
  • The submitted article has never been published in any media (journals, proceedings, and the like)
  • The article file has a Microsoft Word extension (.doc, .docx).
  • If available, URLs of references are provided.
  • The text is presented with 1.5 spacing with 11 pt centrury type, using font sizes 11 and 14, using bold and italicized writing in certain sections. Tables and figures meet the criteria set out in the article writing guidelines.
  • Checking plagiarism using software with a maximum plagiarism rate of 25%.
  • Required to use Mendeley and Zotero programs in organizing citations and references.
Guidelines for Submission of Manuscripts to Arwana Journal
  • Visit the OJS Arvana website: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program at the following address:
  • Click on the article template menu on the sidebar to download the article template
  • Use the article template file to type your article document
  • If you want to change your document to match the template, you can copy the document then select Paste Special by selecting unformatted text into the article template, so that your document will comply with Arwana typing rules: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program
  • Articles that already meet the layout and layout of Arwana: Scientific Journal of Aquatic Studies Program is recommended for Plagiarism Checking independently by the author to find out the possibility of plagiarism. The manager will also recheck the possibility of plagiarism.
  • If the plagiarism level is reasonable (maximum 30%) checked by each author, then the article is ready to be submitted to OJS Arvana: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program by first going to the website page and registering to get an account.
  • Visit the OJS Arvana website: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program at the following address:
  • Select the registration menu and fill in the data in the profile section (identity and affiliation) and login (email, username and desired password)
  • After successfully registering an account, make a new submission
  • Perform the following 5 stages of article submission: start, upload submission, enter metadata, confirmation, and next steps
  • In the start section, select the articles option in the section section, then check the 5 criteria set (if they meet) and press the save and continue button.
  • Upload the article in the upload submission section and add a statement/cover letter file.
  • In the enter metadata section, fill in the abstract in the abstract column, then fill in the author's identity in the list of contributors section, then press the save and continue button.
  • Next, press the finish submission button in the confirmation section
  • The last phase is submission complete
Communication Via Website with the Manager
Authors will be informed through OJS messages about the progress of the article process until the publish process
Citations and References
  • It is highly recommended that writers use the Zotero, Mendeley and similar applications to make direct references/citations with APA Style format.
  • It is highly recommended that the author manage the bibliography using Zotero, mendely, and the like with APA Style format.
Pemeriksaan Plagiarisme
Articles submitted to Arwana: Scientific Journal of the Aquatic Studies Program will undergo Plagiarism Checking with applications such as Ithenticate, Plagiarism Checker X, Turnitin and have a maximum plagiarism value of 25%. For this reason, it is highly recommended that authors, before submitting their articles, can do Plagiarism Checking.
Because the application is words checking and detects sentence structure and scanning in online databases and doing match making, it is highly recommended that the author consider the following suggestions to be free from the presumption of plagiarism by the machine / application
  1. Make direct references by writing the source with APA Style
  2. Standardized terms (in the form of words and phrases) will be detected as plagiarism by the application, so it is highly recommended that writers consider 'other unique terms' for these words/phrases. Or you can put one quotation mark in the word/phrase so that the application does not consider it plagiarism.
  3. Paraphrasing the source/reference sentence


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