Peer Review Process


Articles submitted to Arwana: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Perairan will go through the following process

  • All submitted articles will be checked by the editorial staff first. The author's manuscript will be checked for plagiarism using Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin software. Manuscripts that have a plagiarism value of more than 25% will be immediately rejected and returned to the author.
  • Articles that are considered not in accordance with the criteria of this journal will be rejected without conducting an external review process. Articles that fit the journal's criteria and have potential reader interest will be sent to reviewers with a "Double blind reviewers" system. Each article is reviewed with a double blind-review technique (author's name is disguised, reviewer's name is not presented).
  • Reviewer comments are then sent to the author for necessary action and response. The decisions suggested by the reviewers will be evaluated in the editorial board meeting. After that, the editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.
  • The review process is carried out by external reviewers / bestary partners who are experts in the field according to the focus and scope section.
  • The review process will take 2 weeks at the earliest.
  • During the process of submission, review, revision, resubmission and production, the author will be informed via email