Author Guidelines
Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik dan Teknologi (REKATEK)
Submission of articles to Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik dan Teknologi (REKATEK) can only be done through an online submission system, with the following steps:
- Manuscripts can be submitted in Indonesian and English, the process is through the Online Submission System on the electronic portal of Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik dan Teknologi (REKATEK) (here).
- Authors must register themselves on the Register page (here). Select (check) the role as "Author" to be able to submit the manuscript online.
- After the registration process is complete, log in as an "author" using the username and password used during registration.
- Start the article submission by clicking "New Submission". Article submission consists of 5 stages: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Supplementary Files, (5). Confirmation.
- In the "Start" column, select "Journal Section (Article)". Check all options on "Submission Checklist" and "Copyright Notice". Click "Save and continue".
- In the "Upload Submission" column, upload the manuscript in MSWord (docx) format. Click "Save and continue".
- In the "Enter Metadata" column, fill in the "Author" column (author data and affiliation, if there is more than one author, please enter all authors by clicking Add Author) and "Title and Abstract" (Enter Article Title and Abstract in English). For keywords (English) in the metadata the separator uses a semicolon (;), not a comma. Fill in the other columns (Indexing, Supporting agencies, References) as appropriate to the manuscript. Click "Save and continue".
- In the "Upload Supplementary Files" column, authors can upload other supporting files such as research questionnaires, data sets, or other materials that support the writing of the article. Click "Save and continue".
- In the "Confirmation" column, if all the data filled in is correct, click "Finish Submission" and the author will receive a Submission Acknowledgement (proof of submission) to the e-mail registered at the time of registration.
- If the author finds problems in the process of submitting the manuscript through the online system, please contact the editor team.
Letter of Acceptance (LoA) can only be issued if the article has been reviewed and declared accepted for publication.
The template can be downloaded by clicking the Article Template link on the homepage (template logo) on the right side bar or clicking the following link:
Manuscript Submission in accordance with the Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik dan Teknologi (REKATEK) template (REKATEK) (download here). The editors accept manuscripts from various research institutions. Manuscripts submitted are the results of research within the last 5 years, have not been published, are not currently in the process of evaluating other publications, and have received approval from co-authors (if any), as parties who are equally responsible for the substance of the research. The publisher is not responsible for requests for compensation related to the manuscript. Manuscripts are typed using the MS Word program, single-spaced with 2.5 cm from the left edge and 2 cm each from the top, right, and bottom edges of the paper. The manuscript is typed in Cambria typeface with font size 12. The maximum length of the manuscript is 15 pages including tables, figures, and appendices. Language. Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik dan Teknologi (REKATEK) publishes articles in Indonesian. The use of Indonesian terms should follow the latest edition of the Big Indonesian Dictionary published by the Indonesian Language Development and Development Center.
1. Journals must be concise, clear and reflect the contents of the manuscript in no more than 14 words Author's Name*, Author's Nameb, Author's Namec, Author's Named Author's name for correspondence is superscripted.
2. ABSTRACT. Text 12 paragraphs with identation left 1cm, line spacing-single, justify. Abstract maximum of 250 words in Indonesian language printed with Cambria 10 pt. The abstract should be clear, descriptive and should describe a brief overview of the problem under study. The abstract includes the background of the reasons for choosing the research topic, research objectives, data used, research methods used, and a summary of the results. The abstract should end with a brief conclusion. Write 5 keywords. Apply the Keyword style to the paragraph. It defines keyword paragraphs Cambria type 10, left justified, one line spacing, zero space before and after the paragraph.
3. ABSTRACT. 12 paragraph text with identation left 1cm, line spacing-single, justify. Abstract maximum 250 words in Indonesian language printed with Cambria 10 pt. The abstract should be clear, descriptive and should describe a brief overview of the problem under study. The abstract includes the background of the reasons for choosing the research topic, research objectives, data used, research methods used, and a summary of the results. The abstract should end with a brief conclusion.
4. Introduction with a space of 1.5 Cambria 12 pt font, with justify (right and left aligned). The introduction should consist of research background, state of the art, gap analysis and research objectives. The background is one or two paragraphs explaining the reason why this research was conducted. The state of the art consists of a literature study that leads to knowledge gaps among existing studies. The state of the art should be a guide to find the novelty of the study. Gap analysis is a statement to describe the findings of the state of the art and why it is important to conduct the study. The gap analysis should state that the study has not been conducted elsewhere before. The last paragraph should contain the objectives of the study resulting from the gap analysis. The last sentence in the Introduction should state the possible contribution of the study to the existing literature or the existing situation. Adding new sub-sections in the Introduction is not allowed. The introduction should present a clear background, a clear problem statement, the literature relevant to the proposed topic, the solution or goal to be achieved, and the novelty value of the research which is an innovation. The article should be easy to understand for researchers from different disciplines.
Paragraphs with 12 regular text with no identification left 0 cm, line spacing single, justify. Article/Paper writing uses Cambria, does not use headers and captions, does not use page numbers & page boundaries top/top 3cm, left/left/inside 3cm, bottom/bottom 2.5 cm, right/right/outside 2.5 cm. Presentation of articles without numbering or bullets, so that if there are stages, they are still presented in paragraphs. And files in the form of ms word, graphics in line with text (wrap text). Paper maximum 12 pages. Journal templates can be downloaded from the website: Organization and bibliographic citations are made in APA Style. Foreign language words are italicized. Authors are advised to present their articles with the structure: Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion - Conclusion.
For writing the content of the article, this template should be used to make it easier for the author to organize the layout of the article written. The editor-in-chief will check the suitability of the article content with the article template that has been prepared, so it is expected that the article follows the rules in this writing as well as possible so that the printing into a journal becomes uniform for each article written. The writing of references in the text follows the APA style format. Citing quotes, such as "Hilda (2005) in Yusdiana et al., (2007)", and using 'Anonymous' as a reference is not permitted.
Examples of writing the author's name when citing at the beginning and end of the sentence such as the name of the single author in the Citation: Mubarak (2016) states that...... or ... affect different conditions (Mubarak, 2016). Two authors' names in citations: Betaubun & Paresa (2019) state that .... or ..... under optimal conditions (Betaubun & Paresa, 2019). Name three authors in Citation: Udiana et al. (2014) state that or improve road quality (Udiana et al., 2014).
The literature review that has been completed by the researcher is used in the "introduction" chapter that explains the difference with other papers, that it is an innovation. "Research Methods" is used to describe the research steps and is used in the Results and Discussion chapter to support the analysis of the results. "Research Methods" where this chapter can be added to briefly explain the proposed method/algorithm.
5. Research Methods are written with 1.5 spacing in Cambria12 pt. typeface with justify (right and left aligned). The methods section should describe what was done to answer the research question, describe how it was done, justify the experimental design, and explain how the results were analyzed. Scientific writing is direct and organized. In the methods section, the simple past tense is usually used to describe what the author did in their study. Passive voice is often used. Example: Total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) were measured in the laboratory using standardized procedures.
In the methods, it is important to describe the type of study; what type of data and how the data were collected and/or your data were selected; how the data were analyzed; any tools or materials used in the study; the reasons for choosing this method. The reason for choosing the method should be supported by references.
Subchapter 1 (bolt, italic, 12 pt, style: Heading 3)
The use of Formulas in the article must use "Microsoft equation" (if using Microsoft Word). Math equations are written in a table with 2 columns without borders. The first column is for writing mathematical equations. The position of the equation is in the middle of the column (center). The second column is for writing the equation number. The equation number starts from 1 to finish without being associated with chapter or sub-chapter. The equation number is inside brackets, for example : (1) and is aligned right. The explanation of the equation symbol is explained in paragraphs, it is not allowed to go downwards as below.
6. Results and Discussion are written with 1.5 spacing in Cambria 12 pt typeface. With justify (right and left aligned). The results section should include research findings and ONLY research findings. The findings include data presented in tables, charts, graphs and other figures (may be placed among the research text or on a separate page) Contextual analysis of this data explaining its meaning in sentence form. The results section should simply state the findings, without bias or interpretation, and be organized in a logical sequence. Usually most sentences in the results section are in past tense, some are in present tense, and very few, if any, are in future tense.
Discussion: the purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of the research findings in relation to what was already known about the research problem under study, and to explain new understandings or new insights into the problem after the research considers the findings. To do this, follow three important suggestions: answer the questions posed in the introduction (the main research questions); show how the answers are supported by the results and explain how they fit into the existing body of knowledge about the subject. In the discussion section, the past tense is generally used to summarize the findings. But when interpreting the results or describing the significance of the findings, present tense should be used.
Results and discussion contain the results of the research obtained presented in the form of theoretical descriptions both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of experiments/research can be displayed in the form of graphs, figures, tables and others that can make it easier for readers to understand. The discussion can be made into several sub-chapters.
7. Conclusion is written with 1.5 spacing in Cambria 12 pt typeface. With justify (right and left alignment). The conclusion should be written in one paragraph. The conclusion should summarize the whole paper and explain its main objectives. Important things to write in the conclusion: Restate the hypothesis or research question; restate the main findings; contribution of the study to the existing literature, highlight limitations in the study and state future directions for research/recommendations. The conclusion presents the expected statements as stated in the "Introduction" and finally gets the results in the "Results and Discussion", so that there is congruence between them. In addition, prospects for further research development and application prospects that can be continued based on the "results and discussion" can be added. Avoid bullets and numbering in the conclusion. If it is really needed, numbering should be done horizontally as follows: 1) Fill in number one. 2) Fill in number two. 3) Contents number three. There are no sub-chapters in the conclusion.
8. Acknowledgments (if any) to people or institutions that helped the research.
9. Bibliography. The bibliography is displayed at the end of the article and is sorted alphabetically from the last name of the main author. The font used is Cambria 10 pt, with 8 mm hanging format, as in the example below. The text or sentence in the main idea that refers to the reference is marked with the last name of the author. The writing of citations and references is written in APA Style. Examples of writing in the form of journal articles, books, scientific seminars, Thesis/Dissertation are as follows:
Betaubun, H. F., & Paresa, J. (2019). Analisa Kerusakan Jalan Menggunakan Metode Pci Dan Asphalt Institute Ms–17. Mustek Anim Ha, 8(2), 2354-770.
Dhifan, F. R. (2019). Analisis Alternatif Penghematan Energi Pada Bangunan Perkantoran Dengan Simulasi EnergyPlus (Studi Kasus: Gedung Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UGM) (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Gadjah Mada).
Febrilliandika, B., & Nasution, A. E. (2020, November). Pengukuran Beban Kerja Mental Kuliah Daring Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Usu Dengan Metode Nasa-Tlx. In Seminar Dan Konferensi Nasional IDEC (Vol. 1, pp. 1-7).
Iswara, P. D. (2014). Teknik membaca buku membuka-buka buku. UPI Sumedang Press.
Magnahati, R. (2010). Penggunaan metode analytical hierarcy process (AHP) dalam menentukan prioritas peningkatan nilai kompetensi institusi pendidikan:: Studi kasus prodi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta(Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Gadjah Mada).
Mubarak, H. (2016). Analisa Tingkat Kerusakan Perkerasan Jalan Dengan Metode Pavement Condition Index (Pci) Studi Kasus: Jalan Soekarno Hatta Sta. 11+ 150 sd 12+ 150. Jurnal Saintis, 16(1), 94-109.
Santamouris, M., Argiriou, A., Dascalaki, E., Balaras, C., & Gaglia, A. (1994). Energy characteristics and savings potential in office buildings. Solar Energy, 52(1), 59-66.
Udiana, I. M., Saudale, A. R., & Pah, J. J. (2014). Analisa Faktor Penyebab Kerusakan Jalan (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan WJ Lalamentik Dan Ruas Jalan Gor Flobamora). Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 3(1), 13-18.
Yulistiyanto, B. (2019). Metode Numerik Aplikasi Untuk Teknik Sipil. UGM Press.
Literature in the form of articles on the internet (it is not allowed to cite articles from the internet that do not have the author's name).