Kontribusi Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Sekolah dan Motivasi pada Peningkatan Kinerja Guru (Studi Kasus Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pidie – Aceh)
The study is intended to review the contribution of factors to improving teacher performance based on leadership style, organizational culture and teacher work motivation. The study was conducted through a survey of 50 teachers of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Pidie, with associative-quantitative methods and problem analysis with path analysis models. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a significant contribution of leadership style factors, school culture and teacher work motivation to strengthening performance of 50.3 percent, 23.8 percent and 30.3 percent respectively. Together, the three factors play a role in improving performance by 52.7%. So to improve the quality of teacher performance, it is expected that schools will improve their leadership, maintain school culture and motivate their teachers to work.