About the Journal
peusangan (Almuslim Journal of Education Management) is a journal of the Almuslim University Postgraduate Education Administration Master's study program, in the form of publication of the results of studies and applied research in the field of Educational Management Administration. With scope:
1. Educational planning;
2. Educational technology;
3. Educational administration, and
4) Curriculum development model.
Published 2 (two) times a year, in June and December. Supported by researchers and reviewers from LPPM Umuslim, Galuh Ciamis University, USK Banda Aceh, UIN Lhokseumawe, UIN Langsa, UTU Meulaboh, UNIKI. Peusangan Journal, is OJS version 3 indexed DOI at the link: https://doi.org/10.51179/