Sosialisasi Program Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) bagi Pegawai di Beberapa Lokasi Provinsi Aceh
As UNESCO's mission is: to advance the right of every individual to obtain education. "Lifelong learning", the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education issued regulation Number 26 of 2016 concerning Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) which is a form of implementation of the KKNI which is based on mutual recognition of achievements. learning that a person obtains through various paths and types of education. So that in 2023 we will have provided grants to 36 PTN/PTS as LPTKs that organize RPL type A through partial recognition of Learning Achievement, namely recognition of learning achievements obtained from: 1. study programs at previous universities; 2. non-formal or informal education; and/or 3. work experience after completing secondary education or other equivalent forms. Among them is the Muslim University. So the UMuslim RPL team and assessors were formed by the Chancellor in July 2023. With the initial task of following technical guidance and training organized by the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology. Then carry out outreach to the target community. So the outreach activities carried out with the target group are related to study programs that open RPL at Umuslim, namely S1 PGSD, PG PAUD, Public Administration and Business Administration and Informatics. The aim of this outreach is to provide information, knowledge and opportunities to the community for lifelong learning through RPL education at undergraduate level.
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