

Authors should refer to the instructions below when preparing the manuscript for submission on the online journal system (OJS) page. All applications will be reviewed by one editor and at least two reviewers. After submission, the Editor-in-Chief will submit the manuscript to the appropriate Editor for further handling. The editor will ask at least two scientists to review the manuscript. Based on comments from reviewers, the Editor and Editor-in-Chief will make a decision on the manuscript.

Writing StandardsArticles can be written in Indonesian or English in Microsoft Word (doc) format, with the following conditions: no more than 10 pages, 10 Arial letters, typed on quarto paper, 1 space. Conjunctions (and, in, or with, also, about, that, against, so, because, then, for) and prepositions (in, to, from, in, in, through) are written in lower case. Tables and graphs use the Microsoft Excel program and images use JEPG format. Foreign terms are italicized and bolded for titles and subtitles. The manuscript is arranged in the following order: Title, author's name, full name and address of each author's institution, email, abstract, introduction, theoretical review, conceptual framework, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and references.

Manuscript Content GuidelinesTitle

The title must be short, clear, specific, and informative that accurately reflects the content of the manuscript. The length of the title is between 10 - 12 words (not including conjunctions) written in Indonesian or English. Every word in the manuscript title begins with a capital letter, except for conjunctions which are not located at the beginning of the title. The author's name is written in full. The name of the institution/institution is written for all authors accompanied by a complete address (Author Affiliation, including the name of the institution/organization/place of work/author's work/place of study). Corresponding authors are provided with the first author's email address.


The manuscript abstract is written in two languages ​​(English and Indonesian). For manuscripts in Indonesian, the Indonesian abstract is placed above the English and does not exceed 200 words in each paragraph, and contains all keywords. The written abstract completely describes the essence of the manuscript which includes background, methods, results and conclusions.


Keywords are a maximum of 5 (five) words or phrases written separately, 1 space after the abstract. And the JEL classification in italics to categorize related research fields is shown from:


The introduction is written efficiently and explains the background of the problem, identification/limitation of the problem and objectives. Also includes theory and/or references to journals/papers/other information (which is one of the important elements that must be included in scientific papers as well as in this journal article).


Includes the method of service carried out, which can be in the form of socialization, training, counseling, technical guidance, etc. Explained the stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation stages of activities. The research method is written completely and in detail so that the service is very likely to be repeated by other devotees.

Results and Discussion

Description and discussion of results should be done separately. Contains the results obtained and interpretations related to the results of previous service. The discussion section reviews the impact or back effects and benefits of service in terms of participants' knowledge, skills and behavior.


Conclusions are general in nature which describe the substance of the service results obtained by participants, not a summary of the results. Recommendations from related parties can also be added.


Citation sources and bibliography (references) must include everything used in the content of the manuscript. The reference writing format refers to APA (American Psychological Association Style). Citations in the bibliography are from the latest sources (last 10 years) with a minimum proportion of 50% of journal literature resulting from research/studies.  Both from ISSN journals, nationally accredited (Sinta), dissertations, theses and relevant patent documents. Quoting literature from the internet is only permitted from trusted sources, such as journals, government or private agencies. Writing literature from the internet by including the date of data collection.How to make a bibliography from a book in APA style with the writing format: Last name, first name. (Year). Title. Publisher city: Publisher name. Meanwhile, from journals with the format: Author's last name and initials, either one or more than one author. (Publication Year). Journal article title. Journal Name, journal volume written in italics (Issue or Number), Pages.

Example of an APA style bibliography:

  • Azhari A., et al. (2022). Pelatihan Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Berbasis Hibah, Aceh Journal of Community Engagement (AJCE), 1(1), 1–5.
  • Marwan, et al. (2023). Analisis Jalur dan Aplikasi SPSS versi 25 (edisi kedua). Medan: Merdeka Kreasi. ISBN: 978-623-8238-07-1.
  • Fernandes, Ibiz (2002). Macromedia Flash Animation and cartooning: A Creatif Guide. California: Ibiz Fernandez McGraw- Hill