
  • Nelly Safrina Universitas Indonesia
  • Siti Rahmah Universitas Almuslim


Management, Handover, Nursing Care


Patient handover at the change of nurse shift  is one of an important role in patient safety. The Aim to  Optimization of Implementation Handover of Nursing Shifts in RSUD X. The methode using Pilot Study, start with filling in questionnaires, observations and interviews and then analyzed using fishbone diagrams. Based on fishbone diagrams, the problem was obtained that the implementation of handover of patient patients was not optimal. To optimize the implementation of handover, implementation was carried out in the form of improving SPO, improving nurses' effective communication with SBAR, making role play video handover and improving daily notes functions (CPPT). The result is the  handover can be optimal with the role and function of management  of the head nurse such as motivation, supervision, training on patient nursing care.  Recommendations given by  follow up and revising the hand over standars and evaluate the implementation of the patient's handover through regular supervision


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Author Biographies

Nelly Safrina, Universitas Indonesia

Postgraduated Student, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia

Siti Rahmah, Universitas Almuslim

Lecturer in Midwifery Diploma, Almuslim University


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How to Cite

Safrina, N. ., & Rahmah, S. . (2019). OPTIMALISASI PELAKSANAAN SERAH TERIMA PASIEN ANTAR SHIFT KEPERAWATAN DI RUANG RAWAT INAP DEWASA RUMAH SAKIT X JAKARTA: PILOT STUDY. JURNAL KESEHATAN ALMUSLIM, 4(8), 30–36. Retrieved from http://journal.umuslim.ac.id/index.php/jka/article/view/291